Our projects would not be possible without the help of our partners, school, and community.
School water harvesting system
Kyenjojo experiences extreme rainfall during the wet season and mild rainfall during the dry season. Despite the abundance of rain, villagers have no means of preserving the rain water run-off to use productively. Additionally, the excess rain erodes pathways which causes villagers to retrieve water from further away pumps. Often, these pumps require repair which renders villagers, particularly students, water-less at home and school. Our water harvesting system on site at school allows students to focus more on learning and less on basic survival needs like water.
Homes for families
Many families in Kyenjojo are headed by the sick or elderly. The average three to eight person family suffers discomfort and risk of spreading disease in tight living quarters. Our four-bedroom house provides refuge from illness and Mother Nature’s fury to those in need.
Community bore holes (x2)
Recently Completed: Many neighboring communities to Kyenjojo lack access to a source of clean water. Consequently, families continue to suffer water-borne illness. Children, especially females, are subject to risk, as they are forced to venture long distances alone to fetch water. Each of our bore holes will reduce these risks and service approximately 300 people for years to come.
Dormitory septic TANK system
Under Construction: Our newly installed septic tank in Kyenjojo provides students with accessible clean water and greatly improved sanitation near their village classrooms.
Deep well & hand pump
Community members now have improved access to clean drinking water through World Vision's WASH (Safe water, sanitation, and hygiene) program that aims to provide 125,620 people with clean water through 130 shallow wells, 140 mechanized wells, and outfit 67 schools and 28 health facilities with water supply systems throughout Africa.
📸 We will add more pictures as we receive them from our partners!